How Lisa Simpson got me demonetized on YouTube


Today, I’d like to share with you how I make money every month on YouTube and how you can do it too. If you search for “how to make money on YouTube” on the platform, you’ll come across countless videos that emphasize the importance of things like titles, keywords, tags, and thumbnails. However, I’m here to tell you that I didn’t focus on any of those things, yet YouTube still pays me every single month.

When I started my YouTube channel, I had just seven subscribers and a passion for making money online. I wasn’t trying to become a YouTuber or make money through the platform’s partner program. In fact, I didn’t even know that such a program existed. All I did was create one to two pieces of content every day for 30 to 40 days straight, sharing everything I knew on the subject matter.

I didn’t spend time on titles, tags, or thumbnails, and I didn’t share my videos on other social media platforms. I simply focused on consistently producing content. And that, my friends, is the secret to my success.

I’m not a video editing guru. I don’t know how to create fancy-looking thumbnails or killer sales funnels, and I’ve never even used ClickFunnels. When you look at me, I look like I should be working in customer service at Target. But all I did was take an idea and a topic I was passionate about, open my laptop and Zoom, and create killer content that people wanted to see.

In a short amount of time, I went from seven subscribers to over 2,000. When I hit YouTube’s monetization eligibility, I was thrilled. It felt great to see a payment in my bank account from YouTube every month on the 15th, especially since I was already making thousands of dollars from selling my online course.

However, I want to stress that if you’re looking to start a YouTube channel, make sure it’s on a topic that you love and are knowledgeable about. Don’t start a channel just because you want to make money, because when things go wrong (and they will), you’ll be more likely to give up. For example, when I got demonetized because of a copyright strike for using a clip of Lisa Simpson’s voice in the background of one of my videos, I could have easily abandoned the ship. But because I was passionate about my niche, I stuck with it and eventually got back into YouTube’s good graces.

So, my advice to you is to be consistent and passionate about your topic. Don’t do a 30-day content creation challenge if it doesn’t feel authentic. Instead, create content because you genuinely care about your subject matter and want to share it with the world.

When I checked my analytics, I realized that I had created 30 to 40 videos in a short period of time without even realizing it. Something happens to the algorithm when you keep pumping out content for your niche — you start to dominate that space, and all the traffic that comes to see a particular piece of content will now see yours.

Even though I haven’t made a piece of content on my topic in years, I still remain in the top five when people search for it on YouTube. My competitors may have fancier-looking videos, but I made up for my lack of skill with persistence and consistency.

Now, it’s your turn to take the juice and create killer content on a topic you love.

By Andrew Jones

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The Jones Experience . The Solopreneur Diaries
The Jones Experience . The Solopreneur Diaries

Written by The Jones Experience . The Solopreneur Diaries

Andrew is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker who provides savvy online marketing courses, and unique strategies to help people grow their businesses.

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